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Alice in Wonderland is a story of Trans and Queer Time and Temporality.


...On Mind Maps and Timeline Topographies...


Here lies a key to the map of Alice, The Trans Dreamchild's mind -- meaning mine -- a form of narrative architecture shaped by cartographic renderings and literary analysis, one which links lines from articles on Alice across the ages and pages to the many stages of my own (re)construction and deconstruction across time and story.


...On Literary R@pe + Time Theft -- Temporal Drag’s Got A Hold on Me...


Through a creatively critical lens -- or rather, a queer eye -- I depict and decipher the paradoxical nature of this legendary lore, one which I both abhor and adore, for the sheer cunning of the uncanny cannot be ignored... 


...On Alice Across The Ages and Pages...


By placing Carrollian sources in conversation, I address the dangers of being too much and too little, “the cultural industry of children” and the cult of childhood, the logic of nonsense and multiplicities with body-as-archive and archive-as-body,  the act/art of bodies "behaving badly", the psychopathologization of queer and trans children and so much more...


...On Wanderings and Wonderings Through and Of Wonderland...

Take a moment to tune in to words uttered by the utterly deranged (equally as astute as they are strange). Come and see for yourself the history of her story, and his, and mine, Alice, The Trans Dreamchild. The door is unlocked, so feel free to enter... Embrace the chaos of change and remember, nothing is impossible, only impassible -- without a shift in form and perspective, that is...

Alice, The Trans Dreamchild // Wanderings and Wonderings

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